The healing power of meditation

Meditation develops an open-hearted learning attitude and develops our ability to step back and observe

Remember each day is a chance to learn, to heal, and to see the inherent goodness in others. Practise going to the place of Peace within. Recharge and release any negativities before they accumulate and influence your mind. 

Remember NOW is the opportunity where newness on any level can be created. In the depths of meditation we not only understand, but experience as a primary truth the wounds, disappointments, and anger of the past are healed and that our ideals, hopes, and aims for the future can be made real. 

Meditation develops an open-hearted learning attitude and develops our ability to step back and observe, which is of the utmost necessity to break free from the judgements, opinions, and criticisms that clog and cloud our perception, and consequently the quality of our life. 

As the mind opens, it becomes more neutral – no longer invaded by fears, labels, and dependencies. The mind moves into another gear: Freedom. 

Connect with the best in yourself. Live more consciously to deal with everything as it flows in and out. As your breath always remains in the now, we can use this as our first point of reference. 


Learn to go deep into your Silence.

Start with your breath and the observation of it. 

Observe the outer noises.

Bring your attention deeper into your Being. You may even be aware of internal noises, such as digestion and rhythm of your blood circulating.

Drop down past that to your Light and the point of silence within. 

Stay with this. Observe your True Self. Feel the Being you truly are. That is at peace – full of Love, where nothing else is needed or wanted as the peace is in Being. 

Do this as often as you can. The more you do this, the more you will want to.